Searching : Using power searches
Using power searches
A power search is an advanced search type that combines a group of existing searches into a single search that returns results across all feature groups targeted by the search. To run a power search, enter search criteria for the default or primary search to view the results of all the combined queries. The results of all searches are displayed on the Results window. Power searches are available in the Searches menu if they have been configured by your administrator.
Sample power search scenarios
Scenario 1
You have different layers for different facilities such as schools, hospitals, banks and so on with individual searches defined for these facilities. Your administrator has defined a power search called Find Facilities by combining these searches together which has ‘name’ as the primary search. When you enter a name, the power search returns all the facility names that match the search criterion.
Scenario 2
You can use a power search called Recreation Areas that allows you to view recreation areas such as parks, play lots and golf courses within a municipality. This power search combines three individual searches for parks, golf courses and play lots with the Municipality search as the principal search. When you select a municipality name as the search criterion, the application displays the parks, play lots and golf courses within the selected municipal region.
To use a power search:
1. On the command bar, select .
2. Select the Search sub-menu from the left pane and then select and perform the power search that results in a list of features.
3. View the results in grid view.
Figure 115