Map Tools : Viewing map information : Making OnPoint AODA Compliant
Making OnPoint AODA Compliant
OnPoint 11.5 is AODA compliant and ensures that persons with disabilities can use the OnPoint website with ease. Some of the features given below are enhanced to make OnPoint AODA compliant.
Non-text Content: This option provides text or labels for all non-text items such as Navigation bar options, Toolbar buttons, Map tabs, legends, Layers, North Arrow, Scale, Search. In addition, labels are displayed for input controls such as text box, drop down, list box, grid and so on, buttons such as OK, Cancel, Submit, Clear and so on.
Resize Text: OnPoint can now resize the text up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality. User can increase or decrease the font size as required. This enables person with blindness or low vision to access OnPoint website with ease.
Untitled Page Titles: All the untitled pages will have page titles and will be read by a screen reader.
Image Titles: All the icons of basic tools will now have a title which is read by a screen reader.
SetFocus: With this, you can use the keyboard to navigate through the dialog box and select the layer type and x and y coordinates.
ShortCutKeys: Various shortcut keys such as Address Search, Previous Map, Next Map, Identity Tool, and Advanced Tool can be configured for the user to navigate using the keyboard.
Zoom, Pan, and Drag: Use the minus ‘-’ sign for zooming out, plus ‘+’ sign for zooming in, and arrows to drag left, right, up, and down.
Languages Tag: The screen reader helps read the language of the OnPoint website.